Saturday, September 6, 2008

A,E,I,O,U and sometimes ME!!!!

Tyson just turned 18months, he weighed 20 lbs 1 oz at the doctor and was almost 33inches long(um tall and skinny think its safe to say he's a Price). He is such a little smarty. His newest word is "doctor". In the video Tyson is saying he's vowels, somehow he learned that Y-O-U means ME so he thinks anytime some says "u" or "you" there talking about him and he thinks its hilarious!!!


The Stephensen's said...

He is so stinkin' cute I cant stand it! Tell him Aunt Meow says I Love Dove Dove you!!!

Catmull's said...

That made me laugh! So cute! I still can't believe that he's so big. How fun.

Cassie said...

haha he is so cute!! that video was funny :) I haven't seen you guys for a while in fact i haven't seen kelsie and adam for a little while either :( where has everyone gone! lol well anywho brian and i have a blog now too so you can go to my page and click the link that says "follow" this blog! the page link is i hope to hear from you guys soon! tell mark and tyson i say hi too!


j nordfors said...

So funny! I love it. He is SO a Price! He looks just like your brothers! It was fun having you guys over the other day!

Stanford Family said...

What a cute blog and cute family you have. It was good to see you the other day. Is it okay if I and you to my contact list?

HeiDi SpeNdLoVe said...

Hey Camille! I just found your blog. Tyson is SO cute! That video is hilarious. I am adding you to my blogroll.

Misty said...

Hi Camille, it your slush Misty! I can't figure out how to set up this stupid thing! Help! what do I do to add a family and friends? Will you be my friend!!??